
Here you find all the prices for the Savognin mountain cableways.

Day tickets and single trips summer 2022

Age structure Ascent and descent per section Daily ticket
Children until 9 years* Free Free
Children 10 to 15 years CHF 7.00 CHF 16.00
Adults CHF 12.00 CHF 30.00
Dogs CHF 5.00 CHF 5.00
MTB`s CHF 5.00 CHF 12.00
Age structure Children until 9 years* Children 10 to 15 years Adults Dogs MTB`s
Ascent and descent per section Free CHF 7.00 CHF 12.00 CHF 5.00 CHF 5.00
Daily ticket Free CHF 16.00 CHF 30.00 CHF 5.00 CHF 12.00

Day tickets and single trips including sports equipment Summer 2022

Age structur Ascent and descent per section Daily ticket
Children until 9 years* Free Free
Children 10 to 15 years CHF 12.00 CHF 28.00
Adults CHF 17.00 CHF 42.00
Age structur Children until 9 years* Children 10 to 15 years Adults
Ascent and descent per section Free CHF 12.00 CHF 17.00
Daily ticket Free CHF 28.00 CHF 42.00
Strollers are free.

*Children aged 9 and under ride the cabel car for free when accompanied by a paying parent (does not apply to grandparents, etc.). Children under 10 years must show ID.

**Mountain bike, e-bike, roller and fun sport equipment

All prices in CHF incl. VAT. Euros are accepted. The current exchange rate shall apply at the time of purchase. Offers and prices are subject to change.

Mountain cableways included with the Guest card Val Surses.

Themenweg Alpenleben