Book your ticket now for the Punch and Judy show in Savognin, 21.2 and the Graubünden Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra on 21.2.

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Mountain Carts

mountaincarts savognin graubünden schweiz
Mountain carts are downhill funsport vehicles ideal for everyone – whether they are Sunday drivers or daredevils. Hydraulic dual-circuit brakes, a low centre of gravity and a wide wheelbase guarantee safe fun.

Mountaincarts available from Saturday 28th of June 2025
Please note: Operation may be closed due to bad weather conditions.


Mountain carts can be used on the following routes:

  • No. 1 Tigignas - Savognin
  • No. 2 Somtgant - Tigignas

To the map

trottinett savognin graubünden schweiz


Lieber zwei statt drei Räder?

What you need to remember

  • Kids need to be at least 10 years old
  • Use marked routes and roads only – avoid meadows and fields.
  • Be considerate of hikers and walkers.
  • Adjust your speed according to your own ability and the conditions.
  • Pay attention to oncoming traffic (farm and logging vehicles). Keep to the right!
  • Do not disturb wildlife or farm animals in the alpine region.
  • Obey all signs.


adults (with guest card) kids 10 - 15 years (with guest card) adults (without guest card) kids 10 - 15 years (without guest card)
1 hour / approx. 1 ride 39 CHF 29 CHF 54 CHF 31 CHF
2 hours / approx. 2 rides 69 CHF 47 CHF 80 CHF 49 CHF
3 hours / approx. 3 rides 89 CHF 59 CHF 104 CHF 61 CHF
1 hour / approx. 1 ride 2 hours / approx. 2 rides 3 hours / approx. 3 rides
adults (with guest card) 39 CHF 69 CHF 89 CHF
kids 10 - 15 years (with guest card) 29 CHF 47 CHF 59 CHF
adults (without guest card) 54 CHF 80 CHF 104 CHF
kids 10 - 15 years (without guest card) 31 CHF 49 CHF 61 CHF
Mountaincarts (Wasescha Sport) incl. day ticket Savognin mountain cabelway

Rental station

Wasescha Sport (Rent)
Valley station Savognin Bergbahnen
7460 Savognin
+41 81 684 13 54