Spring skiing in Savognin until 30.3.2025 and in Bivio until 21.4.2025.

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For owners.

Rent a holiday home

You would like to rent out your holidy apartment in the holidy region Val Surses to other guests? Tourismus Val Surses Savognin Bivio AG will be happy to help you.
Below you will find a fact sheet that provides you with all the important information on how to continue. You will also find all the necessary documents, which can be filled out and returned directly on the PC.


  1. How to rent a holiday home
  2. Necessary documents
  3. Tips for successful renting
  4. Training videos & support Webclient Feratel

    1. how to rent a holiday home

    In this fact sheet you will find information about renting a holiday home. Be it the registry, guest tax or the booking system.

    2. necessary documents

    The necessary documents for renting your holiday apartment consist of the master data sheet, the direct reservation and mediation contract, the guest tax reporting system and the rental price and availability sheet.


    To open and fill out the documents you need Adobe Acrobat Reader.


    You do not have to print the documents, you can save them directly on your PC, edit them and send them back to ferien@valsurses.ch.

    If you have any questions about the documents and the rental, please contact the Savognin guest information, 081 659 16 16, or ferien@valsurses.ch.

        3. tips for successful renting

        The competition between holiday rental providers is getting bigger and bigger, but the number of guests tends to stay the same. Thus, it is even more important to win loyal (regular) guests. In order to win loyal guests and improve the occupancy rate of your vacation apartment, it is important to build up a guest relationship and guest loyalty. A precondition for satisfied and returning guests is that the expectations of the accommodation and regarding hospitality are met or perhaps even topped. With this guide, we would like to enable you as a landlord to optimally market your vacation home, attract new guests and strengthen your existing ties.

        4. training videos Feratel & support webclient

        To the Feratel web client

        In the following videos you will find all important information about the Feratel WebClient4. You need the Feratel WebClient if you have chosen the option with your own access in the direct reservation and agency contract for the independent maintenance of rental prices and capacities.

        Support for setting up the web client

        We will be happy to help you set up the web client. For support, please make an appointment with the Savognin guest information office: ferien@valsurses.ch or 081 659 16 05.