Timetable & Prices

The new 10-passenger gondola from Savognin to Tigignas is operating the first summer in 2020. Use of the cable car is free with the guest card "Ela Card".
Summer season ticket
Age structure | Season ticket per person | Season ticket for MTB** |
Children until 9 years* | Free | Free |
Children 10 to 15 years | CHF 85.00 | CHF 95.00 |
Adults | CHF 150.00 | CHF 95.00 |
Dogs | CHF 30.00 |
Age structure | Children until 9 years* | Children 10 to 15 years | Adults | Dogs |
Season ticket per person | Free | CHF 85.00 | CHF 150.00 | CHF 30.00 |
Season ticket for MTB** | Free | CHF 95.00 | CHF 95.00 |
*Children aged 9 and under ride the cabel car for free when accompanied by a paying parent (does not apply to grandparents, etc.). Children under 10 years must show ID.
**Mountain bike, e-bike, roller and fun sport equipment
All prices in CHF incl. VAT. Euros are accepted. The current exchange rate shall apply at the time of purchase. Offers and prices are subject to change.
Mountain cableways included with the Guest card Val Surses.