Segantini 06: Ritorno dal bosco – Rückkehr vom Wald, 1890
First painting with the explicit theme of death – the snow as a sheet of death and the way directly to the church tower (by Son Mitgel): The last stage of life has been reached. The picture location is probably at the corner of Veia Tgaplottas and Veia Davos Tga.
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From the Plazza Segantini Segantini, Segantini painted the picture of the hard peasant work in the alpine landscape. He adapted the real terrain to his artistic needs. The staging on site shows Segantini painting the picture, while his wife Bice reads to him as so often.
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Segantini 17: Skizze Fassadenneugestaltung Kirche Nossadonna
The sketch of the church façade is the only original in Savognin by Segantini (1888/1889). It was a gift from Segantini to the municipality of Savognin, but was never implemented.
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Nature, people and their products make Parc Ela unmistakable. A real wilderness feeling and historic villages offer experiences in the heart of Graubünden.
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Working with bees is the passion of Meltger Devonas from Salouf. Now his mountain honey has been awarded the Parc Ela label. The fine honey is available at Prima Salouf or at the Casparin bakery in Tiefencastel.
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Just as Volg is at home in the village, the "Feins vom Dorf" specialities are also produced in the village or a neighbouring village of the respective Volg shop.
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