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Via Sett: Der Palazzo von Bivio

Der Palazzo von Bivio ist bis heute in Familienbesitz und wird an Feriengäste vermietet
Die Familie von Andrea Fasciati, dem Erbauer des Palazzo, um 1870.

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Der Palazzo von Bivio 1890.
Via Sett: The Palazzo of Bivio


Take a look at the pompous house! 

Because of the architectural style and size, the Bivians also speak of the palazzo. The house was built in 1863 by Andrea Fascati, an influential merchant. Although Fascati and his family lived mostly in Italy, he built the house in his home village, which was characterized by Italian flair. At that time, foreigners living in Italy had to leave the country every two years for at least three months. The Fasciati family spent this time in Bivio.

Are you curious about what the house looks like inside? On request from A. Giovanoli (tel. 081 684 55 31) you can take a look inside the house.


Via Sett: Der Palazzo von Bivio

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