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Segantini 11: Haus Peterelli, ehemaliges Wohnhaus der Familie Segantini

Haus Peterelli um 1900 – Das Wohnhaus der Segantinis in Savognin
Ritratto di Vittore Grubicy – Porträt Vittore Grubicy, 1887: Das Porträt entstand, als Vittore zu Besuch war und Giovanni über die neusten Farbtheorien informierte (151×91 cm, Öl auf Leinwand, Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig).

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Mario, Bianca, Bice, Alberto, Gottardo und Giovanni Segantini (v.l.) im Jahr 1895.

In this villa at Veia Segantini 2 the Segantini family lived for 8 years.

It is privately owned and not open to the public.


Patrician house of the Peterelli family

The house at the entrance to the village belonged to the widow Peterelli. Her husband was seriously wounded as an officer in a battle and died. With five children and money worries, she was happy to be able to rent out the stately house.

"Strange, it was this house that had stimulated our imagination the most! [...] Segantini signed an 8-year contract on June 20," Bice writes in her handwritten short biography. Giovanni Segantini and Bice lived in the house with their four children and Baba from 1886 to 1894.

Luigia Bugatti and Giovanni Segantini

Giovanni Segantini met Luigia Bugatti, known as Bice, in 1878 through his college friend, Carlo Bugatti. The two get closer through his visits to the Bugatti house. «From this closeness, love gradually 'awakened' in us, but segantini was also serious in love. So it happened that in December 1880, after short negotiations, I became his wife and we set up our home," Bice writes in her short biography.

This seriousness can be found in a letter from Segantini to Bice around 1890: «Dearest Bice, Take o beloved these unsightly flowers, these violets as a symbol of the greatest love. [...] If ever a spring comes when I do not give you such a gift, you will no longer find me among the living. [...]»


Segantini 11: Haus Peterelli, ehemaliges Wohnhaus der Familie Segantini

Veia Segantini 2, 7460 Savognin

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