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La raccolta del fieno – Die Heuernte, 1888/89 und 1898

La raccolta del fieno – Die Heuernte, 1888/89 /1898: (137 X 149 cm, Öl auf Leinwand, Segantini Museum St.Moritz, Depositum der Gemeinde St.Moritz).
Frauen und Männer halfen beim Heuen. Für den Transport wurden Kühe und Pferde eingesetzt.
The first version of the painting was painted by Segantini during the Savognin period – probably partly on Alp Flix, as can be seen from Bice's handwritten autobiography. Segantini revised the painting 10 years later and enlarged it considerably by adding canvas.


Today, only a photograph remains of the first version in a narrow landscape format. In 1997, Segantini began to revise the version painted in Savognin in Maloja and decided to enlarge the painting into a square. In 1999 he completed the new work with the completely new spatial effect.


La raccolta del fieno – Die Heuernte, 1888/89 und 1898

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