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Petri Heil.


Alpenfischen in Savognin
It is a special experience to be out with the fishing rod on the wild mountain streams like the Julia or Valetta, or to enjoy nature at one of the many crystal clear mountain lakes.

Season dates

Fishing in running and standing waters in Surses is allowed as follows:

  • Watercourses (stream, river): May 1 to September 15

  • Standing waters (lake): 1 May to 31 October

The most important in a few words: For fishing a patent is required (sales points can be found below). Fishing is allowed from 05.00 - 23.00 o'clock. Only one piece of fishing tackle may be used per angler. Please pay attention to the protected area (Rona) according to the water map. Carrying barbed hooks is prohibited and will be fined. A maximum of 3 hooks may be attached per line (a triplet counts as 3 hooks). The daily catch limit is 4 fish in flowing waters and 6 fish in standing waters. However, no more than 6 fish may be caught per day. On flowing waters a seasonal catch limit of 60 fish applies. The catch statistics must always be updated immediately.
The catch minimums for the waters in district B5 (Surses) can be found in the operational fishing regulations.

Protected species

The fish species nose, bullhead, brook trout, eel, strigione and bearded goby as well as the jackdaw and noble crayfish are protected throughout the canton of Graubünden.

Conduct appropriate to hunting

Fish shall be handled with a wet hand, stunned with a blow to the head, then killed or gutted with a gill cut and only then released from the hook. Undersized fish shall be released from the hook with a wet hand as gently as possible and carefully returned to the water.

Fishing regulations

For more information and legal principles, see the fishing regulations.

Patent reference

Daily, weekly and seasonal permits are available from:

Amt für Jagd und Fischerei Graubünden

Online Patentkauf: Amt für Jagd und Fischer Graubünden

Seasonal permits are available on site from:

  • Armando Janett, 7460 Savognin
    Mobile +41 79 444 87 02
  • Bananas Shop, 7460 Savognin
    Tel. +41 81 637 11 00


Fisheries supervisor
Curdin Meiler
+41 81 655 16 59
+41 79 611 30 80

Fishing equipment and bait

Fishing equipment can be bought or rented at the sports stores in the vacation region. The sports stores carry an assortment of natural and artificial bait.