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For young explorers.

Research trail Alp Flix

Forscherparcours Alp Flix
At six stations on the Alp Flix, children learn more about nature in a playful way. With Professor Fix’s Parc Ela research kit, children can build a water wheel, cast gypsum animal tracks, suck in spiders and then watch them in the cup-lens.

Weitere Informationen zu den Parc Ela Exkursionen "Unterwegs auf dem Forscherparcours" im Juli und August 2023 werden, sobald bekannt, in unserem Veranstaltungskalender aufgeschaltet.

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Bergwald im Parc Ela

Would you like to find out more?

Here you will find information on how to get there and a map of the tour.
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bus alpin alp flix

Bus alpin

By public transport to the Alp Flix; a service that is possible with the Alpine bus. Drive from Sur with several stops to Alp Flix.
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Wandern im Parc Ela, Savognin
Wildlife watching
Alp Flix (Picture: Lorenz A. Fischer)
Bergwald im Parc Ela
Kultur Savognin Bivio Albula
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Parc Ela on foot

Beautiful walks and winter walks lead through Parc Ela. The best way to experience the impressive nature is on foot.
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A guided tour in the Parc Ela

The unique natural landscape can be discovered through special guided tours and excursions on specific themes.
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Researcher course

On the Alp Flix, Professor Fix and the special research kit help you to explore the unique moorland landscape. An experience for young and old.
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Themed hiking trails

In Switzerland’s largest nature park, there are numerous themed trails on which you can learn a lot about nature and culture.
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Rätoromanische culture

The rätoromanische culture with churches and museums form an interesting structure between nature and human life.
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