Around the year 1220 it becomes loud in the forests of Brienz/Brienzauls: wood is felled, stones are brought in; the large Belfort Castle is built on a rocky ridge.
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The former monastery church was built around the year 800 in the time of Charlemagne. The Romansh name Mistail originates from the Latin 'monasterium' and means monastery.
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As the last sacred building on the Julier route before the ascent to the top of the pass, the Evangelical church of Bivio sets a sign of Christian faith.
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This over 100 year-old railway stretch over the Albula and Bernina passes is a masterpiece of construction engineering and line layout. Since July 2008 the Albula and Bernina lines of the Rhaetian Railway are part of the UNESCO World Heritage.
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The ruined castle, built in the 13th century, affords a wonderful view over the Albula Valley. Belfort Castle was the home of the lords of Vaz who ruled over large parts of Graubünden.
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